Geraldine Grimes Inductee Name Gerie Grimes Place of Birth Denver, Colorado Date of Birth 9/17/50 – 5/22 Year Inducted 2018 Category Activism & Advocacy Sponsor Butler/Grimes Family Impact Denver Geraldine “Gerie” Grimes was a committed and highly capable...
Gail Schoettler, PhD Inductee Name Gail Schoettler, PhD Place of Birth Los Angeles, California Date of Birth 10/21/43 Year Inducted 2018 Category Politics, Government & Military Service Sponsor Whistler Partnership Impact Denver Gail Schoettler, a tireless...
Fay Matsukage Inductee Name Fay Matsukage Place of Birth Honolulu, Hawaii Date of Birth 09/01/55 Year Inducted 2018 Category Law Sponsor Asian Pacific American Bar Association Impact Denver Fay Matsukage is an inspired and accomplished leader who pushes boundaries and...
Ellis Meredith Inductee Name Ellis Meredith Date of Birth 1865 Year Inducted 2018 Category Journalism Sponsor Cablelabs Impact Denver Ellis Meredith, an accomplished journalist who led Colorado’s suffrage movement, was widely known as the “Susan B. Anthony of...
Dorothy Ortner Horrell, PhD Inductee Name Dorothy Ortner Horrell, PhD Place of Birth Holyoke, Colorado Date of Birth 02/21/51 Year Inducted 2018 Category Education Sponsor University of Colorado Foundation Impact Denver Dorothy Ortner Horrell is a trailblazer,...
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