Frances McConnell-Mills, MD Inductee Name Frances McConnell-Mills, MD Date of Birth 1899 – 1974 Year Inducted 1996 Category Medicine / Healthcare Sponsor Jeanne Mills Varnell, Mrs. David M. Mills, Mrs. Greg Frauenhoff, Jonathan Mills, and William Mills, M.D....
Patricia Gabow, MD Inductee Name Patricia Gabow, MD Date of Birth 1944 Year Inducted 2004 Category Medicine / Healthcare Sponsor Denver Health Foundation Impact Colorado Dr. Gabow is a national healthcare leader. She spent her career at Denver Health starting as a...
Philippa Marrack, PhD Inductee Name Philippa Marrack, PhD Date of Birth 1945 Year Inducted 2010 Category Medicine / Healthcare Sponsor The Marrack Family Impact International Philippa Marrack is a world-renowned immunology researcher whose groundbreaking work on...
Jean Dubofsky Inductee Name Jean Dubofsky Date of Birth 1942 Year Inducted 2008 Category Law & Enforcement Sponsor The Colorado Women’s Bar Association and Dr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Mark Vasil Impact Colorado Jean Dubofsky earned an undergraduate degree from...
Caroline Bancroft Inductee Name Caroline Bancroft Place of Birth Colorado Date of Birth 1900 – 1985 Year Inducted 1990 Category Communications Sponsor Kathy Bedell Impact Colorado A third-generation Coloradan, Caroline Bancroft was born into Colorado’s...
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