Susan Solomon, PhD

Susan Solomon, PhD

Susan Solomon, PhD Inductee Name Susan Solomon, PhD Date of Birth 1956 Year Inducted 2006 Category STEM / Aviation Sponsor CIRES and the University of Colorado Impact International Susan Solomon is widely recognized as a leading scientific expert in the area of...
Eliza Routt

Eliza Routt

Eliza Routt Inductee Name Eliza Routt Date of Birth 1839 – 1907 Year Inducted 2008 Category Politics, Government & Military Service Sponsor Tennison Group / TG Staffing Impact Colorado Eliza Routt was a pioneer in the struggle for women’s rights. As wife of...
Joy S. Burns

Joy S. Burns

Joy S. Burns Inductee Name Joy S. Burns Year Inducted 2000 Category Philanthropy Sponsor National Association of Women Business Owners, Denver Chapter Impact Colorado Joy S. Burns’ interests and influence span several industries. Well known as the developer and...
Sue Miller

Sue Miller

Sue Miller Inductee Name Sue Miller Date of Birth 1934 – 2017 Year Inducted 2002 Category Activism & Advocacy Sponsor Day of Caring for Breast Cancer Awareness Impact Colorado Sue Miller is a former Denver fashion model who learned she had breast cancer in...
Gloria Tanner

Gloria Tanner

Gloria Tanner Inductee Name Gloria Tanner Date of Birth 1935 -2022 Year Inducted 2002 Category Politics, Government & Military Service Sponsor Congresswoman Diana Degette Impact Colorado A lifetime of political activism earned Gloria Tanner many awards,...
Colorado Women's Hall of Fame

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