Pauline Short Robinson Inductee Name Pauline Short Robinson Place of Birth Oklahoma Date of Birth 1915 – 1997 Year Inducted 2000 Category Education Sponsor Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Denver Alumnae Chapter, A Public Service Sorority Impact Colorado...
Virginia Fraser Inductee Name Virginia Fraser Place of Birth Ohio Date of Birth 1928 – 2011 Year Inducted 2002 Category Activism & Advocacy Sponsor Ginny’s Friends Impact Colorado While working as an assistant professor at Loretto Heights College in...
Wilma J. Webb Inductee Name Wilma J. Webb Place of Birth Colorado Date of Birth 1943 Year Inducted 1991 Category Politics, Government & Military Service Impact Colorado As a distinguished Colorado State Representative, Wilma J. Webb served six terms in the...
Augusta Tabor Inductee Name Augusta Tabor Place of Birth Maine Date of Birth 1833 – 1895 Year Inducted 1991 Category Philanthropy Sponsor Suzanne Richardson Impact Colorado Augusta Tabor was the first white woman to live in the mining camp in Idaho Springs....
Frances Wisebart Jacobs Inductee Name Frances Wisebart Jacobs Place of Birth Kentucky Date of Birth 1843 – 1892 Year Inducted 1987 Category Philanthropy Sponsor Doris Sky Impact Colorado The establishment of Denver’s National Jewish Hospital, in 1899, was...
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